There are 3 Official Rules
The RHS has always enjoyed using a play on words. From calling ourselves a “disorganization” to sharing that we have “no rules”, it is always fun to place our emphasis on play. The truth is, we would not be a thriving and global Sisterhood if we didn’t have a few rules we played by. Hatquarters is proud to have always limited them to a a select few, giving our Queens and Members plenty of room for play. These rules are:
Rule One
A woman wishing to play as a Red Hat Society Queen or Member must pay annual Membership dues. Simply put, she must “pay to play”.
You may have Chapter “dooz”. Chapterettes are responsible for paying their own expenses for outings, events, etc. The hostess for the event will collect the monies in advance if necessary and make reservations. If there are special expenses incurred by the Chapter, a hat can be passed around.
Rule Two
Queens of the Red Hat Society are asked to ensure that the women who play within her Chapter(s) support the Society through their individual Supporting Membership dues of $30 US annually. Those dues are paid to the RHS’s Hatquarters located at 431 S. Acacia Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92831 and such dues are used to keep the RHS alive and thriving.
Rule Three
When taking part in RHS gatherings or events, Queens and Members utilize the Society’s signature colors of red and purple (for those over 50) and pink and lavender (for those under 50). Our regalia makes us unique and special, causes others to take notice of us and gives women you may come in contact with a reason to ask questions and potentially join us. How a Queen or Member interprets the use of our colors is at her discretion and fun needs to be at the center of it.
Hats/head coverings should be worn at all times during gatherings and outings UNLESS we are at play, movie, concert, or some other such events where our hats would interfere with the enjoyment (ability to see) of the people behind us. If this is the case, instead of “off with the hats” you can have a “de-CAP-itation“!
RSVP’s are a MUST. The chapterette organizing an event needs to know whether or not you plan to attend monthly gatherings. You are not expected to be at every single gathering — try to attend as many as possible. If you do not RSVP and do not attend three gatherings in a row, the other Chapterettes will be worried that something is wrong or you may have decided that Red Hatting just isn’t for you. Please RSVP, whether you plan to attend or not.
Although we certainly enjoy laughing and giggling and being silly, we should at all times remember that we are ladies and should always consider the well-being and comfort of those around us.

There are a few other things members should be aware of:
We do not have “meetings”. We have gatherings, outings, “do’s”, pj- parties, “hoots”, holiday parties, teas and so on and so forth. “Meeting” sound to much like work!
Chapterettes take turns hosting and planning events. The hostess determines the location, date and time of that event. There may be more than one event per month. Every Chapterette should RSVP, whether attending or not by the deadline date for that gathering. Failure to RSVP without good reason results in losing your spot at the gathering. Any chapterette who misses 3 consecutive gatherings without notice or good reason may be contacted to discuss her intent in regards to remaining in the Chapter.
As we are royalty, every chapterette should choose her own title/name (Dutchess, Countess, Priness, Lady, etc.)
Members may bring guests to Chapter events with the permission of the hostess for an event. There may be occasions when the size of the group must be limited, so the hostess must be contacted BEFORE a guest is invited. Some events may be limited to chapter members only.
Children may not attend any Chapter events or gatherings – minimum age for attendance and/or membership is 21 years of age. The ONLY exception to this rule would be if a mother-daughter”tea” or grandmother – granddaughter “tea” is held.
Husbands are not invited to our get-togethers unless they are cooking or driving. After all, this is a “sister”-hood.