How do I join a Chapter?
Home How do I join a Chapter?

How do I join a Chapter?
Find a Chapter in your town, or within easy travel distance to you, and make contact with them. There are three main ways to make contact with a Chapter. We have a Chapter/Group listing of all the known registered Chapters in Manitoba here on this website – simply find a Chapter in your area and click the Contact Queen button for that Chapter. You can use the Red Hat Society website: join the Ruby Red Hat chapter there and then do a “Chapter Search”. Later you can transfer your membership to a local group.
You can also contact the Webmistress for assistance. The contact information is under the CONTACT heading in this website.

Different Chapters may have different membership rules. Some will charge a small yearly fee for being a member (which helps cover expenses and insurance), some may ask for donations through the year or do fundraising to raise money for expenses. When you contact the chapter they should tell you any of the information you would need to know to join them.
Please note that joining a Chapter does not necessarily make you an official “Supporting” member of the Red Hat Society. You need to register with the Red Hat Society itself and pay your annual dues to become a full supporting member.