Don’t Wait till you are Fifty!! Join the Fun Today!
Pink Hat Divas chapters are listed under Urban Chapters
(Click on RHS MB Article to see it)
While many Red Hat Society members are over 50 years of age, we welcome junior members to join in the fun. Pink Hatters don lavender clothing and pink hats until The Birthday (their 50th) which is marked with a Reduation ceremony when they receive their first Red Hat. Oftentimes chapters consist of both Red and Pink Hatters, although chapters may be comprised of one or the other group exclusively.
Pink and Lavender Rule Too!
We met those lovely ladies, wearing hats upon their heads, so lively so glamorous, in purple topped with red. We asked them how they have such fun, and listened when they said, “my goodness, girls, don’t you believe the stories you’ve been fed!”
Life doesn’t end at fifty, not at sixty are we done. Now that were getting older, we have time to have more fun! We’re out to have some challenges and races to be run! We’re playing hard together. Yes, our freedom we have won! We’re happy that we’ve done so much. We’re looking back with smiles, at all of our accomplishments. My gosh, we’ve traveled miles! But now we’ve wiggled free a bit from all those duties piled, and we are out to fill our days with laughter, fun and style!
They told us we could join them, wearing lavender and pink, while lunching, shopping, giggling, and skating at the rink. “You’d better lighten up, girls,” they advised us with a wink, “Because between all women of all ages there’s a link.” We’ll show you how to have a ball. We’ll teach you not to wait, to find the joy of living ’til it’s practically too late. So when you plan a gathering, be sure you keep that date! We’ll teach you all that we have learned, and then you’ll Reduate!
Sue Ellen Cooper
Exhalted Queen Mother

Are Pink Hatters part of the same Society?
Yes, Although most people think of the Red Hat Society as being only ladies over 50 years of age who wear the Purple and Red, Pink Hatters are part of the same “Red Hat Society” and can do all the same things Red Hatters do (except wear red and purple). The only difference is their age (under 50 years old) and they wear the lighter shades of Pink and Lavender (light purple/lilac, etc.) to distinguish them. You can have Pink Hatter Queens, chapters that are a mixture of Red and Pink Hatters as well as chapters with just “Pinkies” in them.
There are fewer Pink Hatters than there are Red Hatters, perhaps because women know about the Red Hatters being over 5o years of age, but not as many women are aware that you can be a Pink Hatter.
When the Red Hat Society was formed in 1998, it was only for women over 50 years of age. However, in 2000, Pink Hatters were introduced into the Society. So Pink Hatters have been a part of the Red Hat Society from almost the beginning.