Queens Council
The purpose of QC is to bring all provincial chapter Queens with supporting members and Vice-Queens together to share regional information, ideas and events, discuss issues, to solve concerns that may arise and to make friends.
It is important to note that all Queens and Vice-Queens are equal, will be treated as a Royal equal, and that no one Queen is in control of the QC. The QC is hosted by a chapter and may be held in the City of Winnipeg or in rural Manitoba. The position of leadership in the QC may be held by one Queen or by several Queens in rotation.
All ladies who register for QC MUST BE registered Red Hat Supporting members in good standing for the current year in order to attend. Members of a QC are not RHS policy makers. They are Queens of the RHS who continue to uphold the mission and values of the Society.
Attendance is limited to two(2) ladies per chapter, usually the Queen and Vice-Queen or alternate as directed by the Queen as space becomes and issue when making the necessary arrangements to accommodate the QC gatherings.
All QC’s are to be non-profit events with a fee charged only to cover the venue, program and food served. The host chapter chooses the location, date and program and sends out an invitation.
Registration to attend a QC takes place well in advance to assist with coordinating the event. Registration fees are non-refundable.
If you are a Queen or Vice-Queen of a Red Hat Chapter in Manitoba and have never attended a QC gathering, we encourage you to come out and play with your sisters. Spread the word. With your help, we will bring Chapters together for fun, friendship and growth.
Furthermore, Councils strongly stand behind the guidelines and policies set forth by Hatquarters to ensure the Global sisterhood of the Society.
Check under Save the Date for Our Next Queens Council.