Red Hat “Vocabulary”
Because I’m the Queen – This is reason enough to do anything you want – as long as it’s fun!
Bling – Jewelry of all shapes and sizes that impressively and brightly adorns all we wear when we are in our regalia.
Gaudy is good – Why wear one necklace when you can wear two…plus three bracelets, a brooch and a stunning hat! This is our dress-up time: we like to go all-out!
Hataches – May be caused by wearing your hat to long.
Hatting – Whatever a Hatter does while in regalia – Hatting can include grape-stomping, bungee jumping, antiquing, thrift store shopping, enjoying tea or anything else you want!
Ladies in Waiting – A loving term in reference to our Pink Hatters.
Reduation – A ceremony performed when a Pink Hatter turns 50 years of age and becomes a Red Hatter.
Coronation – Ritual of inducting the Chapter Queen into her self-proclaimed royal title of Queendom
De-CAP-itation – The act of removing one’s Red Hat to avoid interfering with another’s enjoyment at a concert, play or movie (the only time a Hatter removes her hat at a gathering.)
Kerfuffle – To throw into disorder, ruffle, confusion, or a fuss, as in not sending an RSVP before the cut-off date and then showing up unexpectedly.
Kazoo – The official musical instrument of the Red Hat Society … because anyone can play one!
Kazoodle – A large group of Red or Pink Hatters.
Mallgating – A party held before a shopping “outing”; guys have tailgating parties before sports events, and Red Hatters have mallgating parties before our official sport — SHOPPING!
Brim Brushing – Gently hugging your fellow hatter with mutual should touching and gentle brushing of hat brims, this avoids accidental dislodging of said hat from head.
Pinkie – A Red Hat Society member who hasn’t yet reached “THE BIRTHDAY” and who, therefore, must wear pink and lavender instead of red and purple. Also known as “Pink Hatter”.
Hattitude – The proper Red (and Pink) Hat spirit.
Hatquarters – The international Headquarters for the RHS located in Fullerton, CA, USA.
Painting the town red – When a group of Hatters go out on the town for some fun in regalia.
Recess – Sometimes life can feel boring – almost like being back in school! Hatting is our “recess”, when we go out to run around and play!
Regalia – Our clothing choices when we are at play. Any shade of purple clothing with a Red Hat for those over 50 and any shade of lavender clothing with a Pink Hat for those under 50.
QMBers – Those Queens and Members who gather to chat on Queens and Members Board.
QMB-itis – The affliction that becomes all consuming as you find yourself on the Queens and Members Board 24/7.
Scuffies – Pink, Fuzzy Bedroom Slippers that RHS mascot, Ruby RedHat wears for comfort. She has a tendency to lose them at international conventions. If you find one, there may be a reward!
Think outside the hatbox – Our phrase for getting creative!
Think pink – Some of our most creative and lively Hatters are our Pink Hatters! This is our phrase to remind them to keep coming up with those crazy ideas for fun!
Trading Cards – A Supporting Member’s official calling card. Every Member is invited to have her own set so that she can pass them around to all that she encounters.
Red Hatters Matter – This is one of our signature phrases, and is proclaimed at the end of every official RHS Event. We do matter!
Scarlet Sparkle – A serendipitous happening in the life of a Hatter, which occurs because of her Membership in the RHS.
The Wave – The Queenly wave, which is the official RHS greeting, is performed by cupping the hand, fingers together, and ever-so-gently swiveling the wrist back and forth in the direction of the adoring throng (or other Hatters). Oh, so ladylike and refined, don’t you agree?