REDuation Ceremony
The REDuation ceremony celebrates the progression from Pink Hatter to Red Hatter.
The Reduate can wear a pink hat which is then passed to the next youngest Pinkie to represent passing on of knowledge, that Pinkie can use that hat for her REDuation and so on.
The old pink hat can be burned or put away in a hat box, to symbolize that it is not needed any more.
The REDuate dresses in purple clothing but with a lavender shawl/cloak/fabric over the top, so that she can remove it when she is declared a Red Hatter.
The Warning poem can be read out, and items to the REDuate to represent the lines of the poem.
Example #1
The member starts off wearing her Pink Hat and standing on a pink rug/square, with a new Red Hat being held on a cushion by the Queen who has a red rug/square in front of her. The chapter members stand on either side of the room and the Reduate starts walking towards the Queen. Carrying a basket or tote bag. As she passes the members, they hand items from the Warning poem, such as brandy, sausages, slippers and a bunch of flowers (preferably picked from someone’s garden). At the end, the Vice-Queen presents her with a copy of the Warning poem and takes the Pink hat from her head. The Queen then places her new Red hat onto her head, and presents her with the certificate of REDuation.
Example #2
The member, dressed in pink hat, stands on a pink rug and is given a pink gift bag with a symbol of her first 50 years of life (a baby bottle, nappy, doll, training bra, condom, etc.). She walks towards the Queen, discarding the items from the bag as she goes. When she gets to the Queen, the Queen says: “Are you ready to leave behind your ‘Pinkness’ and move forward to embrace and uphold the spirit of the Red Hat Society?” When the member says yes, the Queen removes her pink hat and replaces it with a red hat. She is given a red gift bag with symbols of her journey to Red hattedness (tums, incontinence pads, walking stick, license for picking flowers, booklet on learning to spit, etc.). The Hatter pledge/vows are read.
Example #3
Stepping stones are made using fabric/paper squares that start pink and become red. The member walks on the stones toward the red. As she goes, the other members hand her artificial flowers starting with light pink and becoming darker until she reaches the end and receives a red flower. The Queen ties the bouquet together with red and purple ribbons, removes her pink hat and replaces it with a red hat. The pledges/vows are made.
Example #4
The member arrives wearing a Pink Hat and lavender. She walks through the front garden past symbols of her youth (pink accessories). She enters the house and is directed to where she can get changed into purple clothing and Red Hat and walks to the back garden where there are symbols of her old age (red accessories, incontinence pads, glasses, etc.). Each member holds a pink balloon which is popped to symbolize popping her pink bubble.
Example #5
The members stand facing each other in a column leading towards the Queen. Pink hatters are first in the line, then the Red Hatters. The REDuate holds a lit pink candle and the Queen holds a lit red candle. The hatters hold their hats to form an archway for the REDuate to walk under towards the Queen. As she passes under them, they replace their hats and turn to face the Queen. When she has arrived before the Queen, the Queen says: “Sisters, to represent the death of her old life in a PINK Hat, please extinguish the flame of your sister’s PINK candle”. The members blow out the candle, then chant “PINK be gone, PINK be gone, this girl wants a Red Hat on!” The Queen hands her the lit red candle and says:
“Your sisters have put out your pink candle’s flame
And invite you to join in the Red-Hatter’s fame
In its place we offer this candle of red
As we ready to place a new hat on your head.
So gather around, my sisters fair
We haven’t got but a minute to spare
This princess has made her last pink bow
And she’s aching to be a Red Hat now!
No longer is 50 a birthday to dread
But cause for a celebration instead
So gather around and join in a wheel
And ask that our sister please kneel
As I carefully lift her pink hat from her head
To replace it today with a new one in red
From this day forward she’ll wear purple to say
She’s ready to come out with the big girls and play!”
The sisters all shout: “PINK is gone, PINK is gone, now a hat of Red is on! YAY!!!!”
Official RHS REDuation Poem-For Members turning 50
No longer is 50 a birthday to dread
But cause for a celebration instead
And so we salute a former Pink Hatter
As we proudly proclaim that RED HATTERS MATTER!
Now gather ye round and join hand in hand
And ask that our Sister ____________, please stand
As I carefully lift her pink hat from her head
To replace it today with a chapeau in RED
We shall drape purple over her shoulder
The color we wear as we grow older
REDuation complete, we announce this day
_____________ is ready to come out with the big girls and PLAY!