The concept of Royality – Why royalty? Why in the world not? We have embraced royal designations and titles as our due! Founders or heads of Chapters may call themselves “Queens” and rule (benevolently, of course) over their Chapters. Every other Member is encouraged to come up with a title for herself (perhaps humorous) incorporating some personal characteristic or interest. Examples: “Duchess of Dog-Walking” for a pet-lover, “Royal Red Snapper” (chapter photographer) or “Empress of Exercise” for a fitness enthusiast. Have fun with it!
It is customary for Hatters to take on a fanciful name to be known as while they are Hatting. It’s a bit of fun and a chance to give yourself a Royal Title. If you are having trouble coming up with your Red Hatting name, here are some suggestions.
Coming Up with a name
A Red Hatting Royal Name generally has two parts – a royal title of some kind, and then a name that is usually somehow descriptive of the person or the position they hold in the chapter. You can include your actual name, or it can be just a whimsical name that doesn’t include your actual name at all. You shouldn’t use the “Queen” or “Vice-Queen” title unless you are the leader or co-leader of a chapter – as that is what those titles refer to. Other royal titles are okay to use though.
So think about what sort of title you would like, and then what words would describe you, or what words you would like to have as your name. Add them together and you get your Red Hatter name!
Example Titles
Archbishopress, Babette, Baroness, Chairwoman, Consort, Contessa, Countess, Chatelaine, Crone, Czarina, Dame, Diva, Duchess, Earless, Eminence, Empress, Enchantress, Fair Maiden, Goddess, Governess, Her Royal, Highness, High Priestess, Jester, Judgette, Lady, Madam, Madame, Magess, Majesty, Mamzelle, Marchioness, Majesty, Marquissa, Matriarch, Mayoress, Mistress, Peeress, Pinkie, President, Priestess, Prime Ministress, Preincess, Purveyor, Ranee, Regent, Sultana, Sultaness, Tsarina and Viscountess.
Example Names
Amethyst Princess
Baroness Bargain Hunter
Baroness Belle Chapeau
Baroness Bookworm
Baroness Bossy Boots
Baroness Bownty-Full
Baroness de Rouge
Baroness of Boobs
Baroness of Bulge
Baroness Von Blab A Lot
Baroness Von Krapponalott
Baroness Von Hooters
Bodacious Baroness
Countess Court Jest-Her
Contessa Cabernet
Contessa Coffee Bean
Contessa d’Champers
Contessa of Cosmos
Contessa of Glitz
Contessa of Sparkle & Sass
Countess Champers
Countess of Cats
Countess of Cleavage
Countess of Creativity
Countess of Good Cheer
Countess of Libations
Countess of the Old Bat’s Mobile
Court Jester
Crone Joan
Dame Depends
Dame of Hotsey Totsey
Dame of Whine and Roses
Delightful Diva of Red Feathers
Divine Diva of Disorder
Duchess Ding-a-Ling
Duchess Does Little
Duchess of Do Little
Duchess of Double, Double, Toil and Trouble
Duchess of Vices
Dutchess of Yarn
Dutchess Shop A Lot
Duchess Short Stuff
Empress of E-Bay
Empress of Eccentricity
Empress of Elegance
Empress of Ha Ha
Empress Mystique
Empress Wine-o-Lot
Exalted Keeper of the Nindatorium
Goddess Gad About
Goddess Get it Done
Goddess of Frivality
Goddess of Garage Sales
Goddess of Glitz
Goddess of Green Thumb
Governess of Celebration
Governess of Nonsense
Grand Belle of Flooze and Feathers
Grand Dame of Desserts
Grand Diva of Pizzazz
Grand Duchess of CATerwauling
Guardian of Geekdom
Healer of Heart and Soul
Her Highness Handler of History
Her Highness Hot Lips
Her Highness Hysterical Historian
Her Hot Flushingness
Her Royal Hotsy Totsy
Her Serene Silliness
Her Undeniable Naughtiness
High Priestess of Poetry
Instigator of Impetuousness
La Condessa Loca
Lady Adventure
Lady Catherine of the Chocolates
Lady Centerpiece
Lady Crimson
Lady Dragonfly
Lady Flamingo
Lady Hoity Toity
Lady Lives It Up To The Last
Lady LaDeeDa
Lady Late-a-lot
Lady Laughs-A-Lott
Lady Lock-up
Lady Munchkin
Lady Tartan-It-Up
Lady of Camping
Lady of Laughter
Lady of Leisure
Lady of the Loo
Lady Tulips
Lady Twinkle Toes
Lady of Walking
La Femme Fatale
La Femme Royale
Luscious Lady of the Lake
Madam de Plonk
Madame LaMuncherie
Madam Work in Progress
Magical Maestro
Miss Chevious
Mistress of Anxiety
Mistress of Ineptitude
Mistress of Manners
Mistress of Merriment
Mistress of Merriment and Mischief
Mistress of the Vast Waistland
Periwinkle Princess
Pretty Princess
Prime Ministress of Rulelessness
Princess Delight
Princess Procrastination
Princess Peoney
Princess Picture Perfect
Purple Passion Majesty
Princess Cind-a-lot of Spend-a-lot
Queen a da Ritz
Queen of Hearts
Queen of Vices
Royal Court Damsel
Ruler of Secrecy, Mystery and Clever Antics
The Chairman of the Board
The Mad Hatter
Viscountess of Vast Waistland
Viscountess of Visiting
Viscountess Von Foo Foo
Your Grace Lady Ruby Red
Example Chapter Role Names
(If you have designated roles in the chapter, the titles for those roles could be something like these.)
Treasurer = Keeper of the Koins, Duchess of Dough, Miss Moneybags, Purveyor of the Purple Privy Purse.
Secretary/Communications = Town Crier, Countessa d’Communique, Dutchess of Dialing, Empress of Email, Duchess Ding-a-Ling
Event Organizer = Baroness of Birthdays, Dame of Dates
Photgrapher = Countess Shutterbug, Dame Purple Paparazzi, Countess Kodak, Priestess of Point and Click