Where does the Money Go?
Copied from the Red Hat Society website — an explanation of “where the money goes”
From Under our Brim, Friend to Friend
One of the most important parts of friendship is communication! In the name of friendship, we wish to take a moment to explain how we manage and fund this heartwarming global Society for women. We are extremely careful about how we spend all dues collected. The Red Hat Society supports a worldwide Sisterhood to bring fun, friendship, freedom and fulfillment for all members, both individually and collectively. We embrace the voices and experiences of our individual members and chapters. The Red Hat Society is a very lean organization with big dreams: there is room for everyone – absolutely everyone – in our Sisterhood.
The Red Hat Society supports a worldwide social organization. Revenues received by the Red Hat Society, derived from Supporting Members, products, services and events are spent to cover the costs of maintaining, developing and providing programs for the benefit of members of the Red Hat Society.
We have typical costs associated with running any business enterprise. We employ anywhere between 15-25 people depending on business needs. Our staff includes personnel in the areas of:
Customer Service, Marketing, Creative, Information Technology, Warehouse, Accounting, Human Resources, Event Planning, Product Support and Legal Support.
The following are only a few examples of Red Hat Society’s monthly expenses:
Queen and Member Materials and gift (free shipping included), Building Lease, Repairs and Maintenance, Computers, Equipment Lease, Creative & Marketing, Office Supplies, Shipping and Postage, Professional Fees, Labour, Insurance, Taxes, Telephone, Utilities and other miscellaneous costs.